There are some authorities who mention three varieties of the pointed gramen. That which has at the extremity five[1] points at the utmost, is called "dactylos." Twisting these points together, persons introduce them into the nostrils and then withdraw them, with the view of preventing hæmorrhage. The second kind, which resembles aizoön,[2] is employed with axle-grease for whitlows and hangnails, and for fleshy excrescences upon the nails: this also is called "dactylos," because it is so useful as a remedy for diseases of the fingers.
The third[3] kind, which is also known as "dactylos," is more
diminutive, and is found growing upon walls or tiles. It has
certain caustic properties, and arrests the progress of serpigi-
nous ulcers. By placing a wreath of gramen round the head,
bleeding at the nose is stopped. In Babylonia, it is said, the
gramen[4] which grows by the wayside is fatal to camels.